Posted on 5/18/2024

Today, let's talk about something that might not be as glamorous as a sleek new paint job or a turbocharged engine upgrade but is equally important: a wiring harness failure. You might be wondering “Why wiring harnesses?” Aren't these things supposed to be a concern for the professionals? Well, not exactly. Even though wiring harness problems can surprise even the most attentive drivers, be assured they can be avoided and resolved if detected early. With a little bit of knowledge, you will be able to identify the symptoms of wiring harness failures in a Volkswagen before they turn into expensive problems. Let's go to some tips that would enable you to identify this problem like a pro. What Is a Wiring Harness? If you know what the nervous system in humans does you might have a clue of how a wiring harness works. The wiring harn ... read more