Posted on 8/6/2024

The intake manifold gasket is a small component in your vehicle that carries a huge responsibility, and it takes quite a beating while it performs its job! This gasket inside the engine is subjected to an immense amount of heat. Yet it can last anywhere from 60,000to 100,000 miles. Therefore, it’s no surprise that you may notice degradation in your Land Rover’s intake manifold gasket over time. When that happens, we’re here to help you to replace it. In this article, we’ll discuss how to know when it’s time to replace your Land Rover’s intake manifold gasket. What is an Intake Manifold Gasket, and Why is it Important? All internal combustion engines (ICE) must have this gasket to stop leaks between the intake manifold and the engine block. It is a seal that prevents coolant, air, and oil from entering the engine by se ... read more